Referee Fees Updated 2017

Please note that U9 and U10 7v7 teams will have 1 referee. U11 and older will have 3 referees assigned to each game when available. When they have less than 3 licensed referees at a game the lower fees for Two Officials and a club and One Official and a club will apply. 
11 v 11
11 v 11
11 v 11
9 v 9
7 v 7
Time 2 x 45 min 2 x 40 min 2 x 35 min 2 x 30 min 2 x 25 min
          One Official

Three officials
REFEREE $ 52.00 $ 46.00 $ 40.00 $ 36.00 $ 30.00
AR1 $ 40.00 $ 35.00 $ 30.00 $ 24.00  
AR2 $ 40.00 $ 35.00 $ 30.00 $ 24.00  
Total * $132.00 $116.00 $100.00 $ 84.00  

Two officials and a club
REFEREE $ 54.00 $ 48.00 $ 44.00 $ 40.00  
AR1 $ 42.00 $ 37.00 $ 32.00 $ 26.00  
CLUB $ 00.00 $ 00.00 $ 00.00 $ 00.00  
Total * $ 96.00 $ 85.00 $ 76.00 $ 66.00  

One official and two clubs
REFEREE $ 58.00 $ 50.00 $ 48.00 $ 44.00  
CLUB $ 00.00 $ 00.00 $ 00.00 $ 00.00  
CLUB $ 00.00 $ 00.00 $ 00.00 $ 00.00  
Total * $ 58.00 $ 50.00 $ 48.00 $ 44.00  
* Each team pays one half of the total due prior to the start of the game


  • If the game is terminated during the first half: The officials are to receive one half of the normal game fees
  • If the game is terminated during half time or anytime in the second half: The officials are to recieve the normal game fees.
  • If the field is closed prior to the start of the game: No fees by either team. 

No Show by an official

  • Coaches and the referee must report it to mvysa and DASOA. Coaches use the Game Report and referees use the form on the DASOA site. 
  • A USSF referee with a current card but not in uniform may be used when an assigned referee doesn't show and then be paid for their services. 

No Show by a team

  • The team(s) that did not show for a schedule game will pay the full game fees. Send to money to the mvysa office.